First Craft Post!!!!!
Wooooo Hooooo, first craft post!!!! It's kinda late for this Holiday related craft, but if you make it now it will be ready for next year! These are some super easy little lanterns made from mason jars and some inexpensive items you might just have laying around the house!!
I LOVE the ghost ones!! So cute when they are lite and they are both really cute when they aren't lite up with a candle too!! Lets get started! I'll start with the Ghost ones first!
Supplies: Mason jar, I used 1 roll of gauze per jar, googley eyes and a glue gun {or any glue really}
Just start wrapping the gauze around the jar! I went from the bottom to the top, kinda zig zaged the pattern a little.
Then when you get to the end, put a little glue to hold down the end of the roll. Or you could even tuck it under @ the bottom of the jar.
Then just glue the eye's on the front! Through a tea light or votive inside an light! :)
Pumpkin Lantern
Supplies: Mason Jar, black construction paper, modge podge, orange tissue paper, piece of green ribbon and a short piece of wire.
First cut your tissue paper in stripe abour 2" wide an about an 1/2" longer then your jar. Then just paint some modge podge on the jar and lay a piece on tissue paper on top. Then just continue that the whole way around the jar, over lapping the tissue paper about 1/4"-1/2" every time.
Then set aside to let dry.
Then cut out your eyes and mouth from the piece of black construction paper and brush a little modge podge on the front an stick the eyes and mouth on. Then I just brushed a little modge podge over the front of the pieces just to make sure it was pressed flat on the jar. Let dry.

Then I tied the green ribbon around the top {secured it with a little hot glue, so it didn't slide off} and then made a couple loops on the side. {Making it look like leaves} Take your piece of wire an wrap it around a pen to make it curly and I glued that around the "bow/leaves" :)
Stick a votive and or tea light in and light it up!
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