Make Your Own Heating Pad!!!
I have seen these Rice Heating Pads many times and have always wondered how well they work and what they are like. Here is a super easy DIY!!
These Homemade Heating Pads would make awesome Christmas Gifts too!!
What You Need:
Rice (uncooked)
Essential Oil(s)
Scissors & Sewing Supplies
Spoon & Bowl
Step 1: Cut to fabric into 2 squares of the same size
Step 2: Stack your fabric squares print side in
Step 3: Sew around the edge's, leaving a small opening {I would leave about 2"}
You can defiantly do this by hand, you don't need to have a sewing machine.
Step 4: Now turn your fabric outside in
Mine is defiantly not prefect, but it will do :)
Step 5: I added some Vanilla Essential Oil to could use any scent you like!
Add a couple drops to your uncooked rice and mix it around.
{The amount of rice will depend on the size of your heating pad and the amount of drops of oils will depend on personal preference}
Step 6: Start filling your bag with the scented rice
I left about 2"-3" of space at the top. I didn't fill it the whole way. You can fill as full as you prefer!
Step 7: Close your bag up :)
They are super simple to throw together!
Pop it in the microwave and heat it up for 25-35 seconds {Time will depend on how large or small your bag is} increments until you get it to the temp you prefer.
Remember to use caution....IT WILL BE HOT!!
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